

Why a voice is important for your business

Whether it's your business, a commercial, television, radio, or even station identification, the voice of those things that matter to you are important because they connect with your audience. When they know and recognize a strong voice, they will feel like they know who you are, and want very much to be a part of what you do.

As a national voice across the country, It is always my hope that I am building trust. It identifies a personality, and developing a consistent tone of voice allows people to see that you are genuine, and makes them feel at ease. I'm sure many of us have been in various rooms, places, and heard television or radio voices, and we know instantly either what's coming, or trusted voices that make us feel that you matter.    

If your business is in need of a voice that reassures your customers, or your radio or television station is in need of a voice with a strong identification credentials, I ask that you please go to my video and voice link. I am able to send samples of all of my work within 24 hours.

Sound Cloud Link of Radio / Television Voice Overs 

Commercial Voice Overs:

Doritos The Last 5 

Can God's Love Play 

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